I dunno what is tagged by somebody and i need to answer ... er ape?
but i saw chen's example so i put answer on that.. i need to follow the template or suka hati i letak ape² regarding me? lolz
10 Random Facts bout me?:
1. SKL- Well this is the shortform of Sin Ka Lang, where i always feh shui + chui shui lol.. and somebody sometime will believe it... lolz
2.Bad Temper- Im a bad temper person, something, somebody made me feel angry see i would like to shoot it out.. until Cochranean teacher categorize me as samseng... cause i shoot the teacher until he speechless and end up PK Hem call me out to say sorry to HIM.. no way i din do it...
3.I Hate LCLY-ian- those LCLY people in my list.. i dun wish to have any related thing to him/her.. i hate!
4.Mahjongs- Recently inlove with that, possible because of FUN OK?
5.Bad Habit - Shake Legs.. Otaku Look + Wearing slipper + stacking ur leg and shake.. classic view of some ah beng in the street where playing a chinese chess and phew~! lucky i din smoke
6.Greed - anything can be greed, i greed. Greed is good
7.Classical LOL!- like to LOL in certain time .. 2pm to 4pm.. until somebody call me as Syndrome Down.. lol... any wrong with i LOL ? chei!
8.Gemini - I hate i am a gemini, cause..i hate gemini characteristic.. "dunno what are u thinking"
9.Bullshit - i like to bullshit with sentence of like "wah, ur chicken chop very chicken-chop", or "wah, ur mushroom shop very mushroom-soupy" or "ur french fries very french fries" anyone can get me?
10.Alone - i like to stay alone, i can alone go pasar malam or walk to pandan jaya's cc to play battlenet or go mamak store sit one whole night... weird heh?
Now tag siapa balik ?
November 30, 2008
November 27, 2008
Bored, Lets Move Out !Mahjong Talk
OMGWTFBBQ-ly Sien... anyone help?? Lol-ed
Since i recently addict with MAHJONG
So i keep gooooooooooooooooogle in office.."Beginner HK mahjong scoring"
Got a lot of result and i found one and suits me the best.. so i sumarize it here... Izzit easy to refer then ? haha
For 3 player mahjong, i jus realize that only exist in MALAYSIA.. wow fantastic...Bombastic...panaromic....plastic... LOL(x funny at all)
Here it goes for 4 Player mahjong scoring point for standard HK rules..
Some code:
Honor Tiles: Red Dragon aka Hong Zhong (R), Green Dragon aka Fat Choy(F) and White Dragon aka Bak Ban(B)
Wind Tiles: North(N), South(S), East(E), and West(W)
Common Tiles: ManZi,m/SokZi,s/TongZi,t
Flower Tiles
Basic- No fan require to win the game
1.Chicken Hand aka Gay Wuu, no need any skill/combo/technique/squeezing brain to win the game.. melt ur tiles to 3 3 3 3 2 then u win with Chicken Hand..
Basic-Fan is equire to win the game
1. Ping Woo - Combine of 4 sets of chows(sequence) and 1 pair of suit (ngaan)
Example: 123 234 678 789 + any suit
2.Huen Fung - wind of the round
3.Moon Fung - wind of the player/matched position
4.Chi Mo - self pick
5.Moon Qin Qing - Winning the game without any pongs or chows
6.Hoi Dai Lao Yuet - Winning tile of last drawable or discarded by player
7.Cheung Kong - The Winner declare a winning hand when a player declare a Kong
8.Kong Sheung Far - Kong and self pick a card so total is 2 Faan
9.Jiong Ngaan - Using 2, 5, 8 as the pair of suit (Ngaan)
10.Kuet Em - No element of 5 in ur winning hand
11.Kuet Yiu - No element of 1,9(Terminal) in ur winning hand
12. Mou Fa aka No flower tiles aka La Za Wu
13.Wan Dai Yiu - Your hand only consist of 1,9 Terminal and Honor tiles/Wind Tiles
14.Kong Sheung Far/Far Sheung - a winning hand declared when u declare kong or draw a flower
15.Bun Gou - same type of common tiles and same number of sequence
Example: 123s 123s xxx xxx xx
16. 4 Guai Yat - used 4 concealed tiles instead of kong melt to be one triple n one chows
Example : 444s 345s xxx xxx xx
17.Bun Gou - 2 set same sequence same common tiles melted
Example : 123s 123s xxx xxx xx
1.Huen Moon Fung - Huen Fung + Moon Fung
2.Yat Toi Fa - 1234 Season
3.2 Kongs - 2 kongs both hidden kong or revealed kong also accept
***if the 2 kongs is continuous bonus 1 faan total in 3***
4. 4 Guai Yii - used 4 concealed tiles isntead of kong melt to 2 chows and ngaan
Example : 234s 234s xxx xxx 33s
1.Wan Yat Sik - Your Hand only consist of common tiles + wind tiles/honor tiles
Example : 111 234 345 678 (ManZi) + 2xE.Wind/Red Dragon
2.Dui Dui Woo - Your hand consist of pong only
Example : 111 222 333 444 + 2x any tiles
3.Xiu Sam Yuen - as long as your hand consist of this
Example : xxx RRR FFF xxx BB
4.Sam Sik Tong Sun - 3 set of common tiles melt by the same sequence
Example : 123m 123t 123s xxx xx
5.Shiong Bun Gou - 2 x Bun Gou
1.Dai Ping Woo - Ping woo + Mou Fa
1.Qing Yat Sik - Your hand only consist of common tiles
Example : 111 222 333 444 55 all ManZi
2.Dai Sam Yuen - as long as your hand consist of this
Example : xxx RRR FFF BBB xx
1.Siu Sei Hei aka Small 4 Happiness - as long as your hand consist of this
Example : NNN SSS EEE xxx WW * cannot stack with HuenFung/MoonFung
2.Dai Sei Hei aka Big 4 Happiness - as long as your hand consist of this
Example : NNN SSS EEE WWW xx * cannot stack with HuenFung/MoonFung/DuiDuiWoo
3.Ching Yew 9 - all ur tiles consist ONLY element of 1 and 9
Example : 111s 999s 111m 111t 99t
4.Chuen Tse aka all word - No common tiles in your hand
Example : NNN SSS RRR BBB FF * cannot stack with DuiDuiWoo
5.Dei Woo aka Earthly Hand : Winning hand after Zhong(Player of East) discard a card
6.Tin Woo aka Heavenly Hand : Winning hand declared by Zhong b4 the game start.
Special Hand - Declare b4 the game start
1. 7 Pairs - Need me explain? 4 FAAN
Example: xx xx xx xx xx xx xx any tiles
2. 5 Mun Chai - Any one of Honor Tiles/Wind Tiles and compulsory of all Common tiles set appear in ur hand. 5 FAAN
Example : RRR(Honor Tiles)+ WWW(Wind Tiles) + 123s + 345m + 55t
3.Luk Yat Sek aka all GREEN - this winning hand must use ONLY this set of card
Example: 111s 222s 666s 88s FFF well the ngaan can switch but only this kind of card
4.Ma Jiok Hoong aka all Red - this winning hand must use ONLY this set of card
Example: 111m 222m 666m 88m RRR well the ngaan can switch but only this kind of card
5.??? aka all White - this winning hand must use ONLY this set of card
Example: 111t 222t 666t 88t BBB well the ngaan can switch but only this kind of card
Special Hand that beyond the limit of FAAN
1. 13 YIU - ALL Honor Tiles/Wind Tiles/Common Tiles Terminal exist in your hand
Example : NSEW RFB 19m19s19t + any tiles of (NSEW RFB 19m19s19t)
2.9 Dang Bou Lin aka gates of heaven - this winning hand use one of the set of common tiles
Example : 111 2345678 999 - u win the game with draw or discard by other from 1-9
3.KanKanWoo : Mun Qin Qing + DuiDuiWoo * cannot stack with DuiDuiWoo/MunQinQing
Condition : Must self-draw only consider KanKanWoo otherwise consider DuiDuiWoo
4. 18 Lo Hon - 4 kongs
Since i recently addict with MAHJONG
So i keep gooooooooooooooooogle in office.."Beginner HK mahjong scoring"
Got a lot of result and i found one and suits me the best.. so i sumarize it here... Izzit easy to refer then ? haha
For 3 player mahjong, i jus realize that only exist in MALAYSIA.. wow fantastic...Bombastic...panaromic....plastic... LOL(x funny at all)
Here it goes for 4 Player mahjong scoring point for standard HK rules..
Some code:
Honor Tiles: Red Dragon aka Hong Zhong (R), Green Dragon aka Fat Choy(F) and White Dragon aka Bak Ban(B)
Wind Tiles: North(N), South(S), East(E), and West(W)
Common Tiles: ManZi,m/SokZi,s/TongZi,t
Flower Tiles
Basic- No fan require to win the game
1.Chicken Hand aka Gay Wuu, no need any skill/combo/technique/squeezing brain to win the game.. melt ur tiles to 3 3 3 3 2 then u win with Chicken Hand..
Basic-Fan is equire to win the game
1. Ping Woo - Combine of 4 sets of chows(sequence) and 1 pair of suit (ngaan)
Example: 123 234 678 789 + any suit
2.Huen Fung - wind of the round
3.Moon Fung - wind of the player/matched position
4.Chi Mo - self pick
5.Moon Qin Qing - Winning the game without any pongs or chows
6.Hoi Dai Lao Yuet - Winning tile of last drawable or discarded by player
7.Cheung Kong - The Winner declare a winning hand when a player declare a Kong
8.Kong Sheung Far - Kong and self pick a card so total is 2 Faan
9.Jiong Ngaan - Using 2, 5, 8 as the pair of suit (Ngaan)
10.Kuet Em - No element of 5 in ur winning hand
11.Kuet Yiu - No element of 1,9(Terminal) in ur winning hand
12. Mou Fa aka No flower tiles aka La Za Wu
13.Wan Dai Yiu - Your hand only consist of 1,9 Terminal and Honor tiles/Wind Tiles
14.Kong Sheung Far/Far Sheung - a winning hand declared when u declare kong or draw a flower
15.Bun Gou - same type of common tiles and same number of sequence
Example: 123s 123s xxx xxx xx
16. 4 Guai Yat - used 4 concealed tiles instead of kong melt to be one triple n one chows
Example : 444s 345s xxx xxx xx
17.Bun Gou - 2 set same sequence same common tiles melted
Example : 123s 123s xxx xxx xx
1.Huen Moon Fung - Huen Fung + Moon Fung
2.Yat Toi Fa - 1234 Season
3.2 Kongs - 2 kongs both hidden kong or revealed kong also accept
***if the 2 kongs is continuous bonus 1 faan total in 3***
4. 4 Guai Yii - used 4 concealed tiles isntead of kong melt to 2 chows and ngaan
Example : 234s 234s xxx xxx 33s
1.Wan Yat Sik - Your Hand only consist of common tiles + wind tiles/honor tiles
Example : 111 234 345 678 (ManZi) + 2xE.Wind/Red Dragon
2.Dui Dui Woo - Your hand consist of pong only
Example : 111 222 333 444 + 2x any tiles
3.Xiu Sam Yuen - as long as your hand consist of this
Example : xxx RRR FFF xxx BB
4.Sam Sik Tong Sun - 3 set of common tiles melt by the same sequence
Example : 123m 123t 123s xxx xx
5.Shiong Bun Gou - 2 x Bun Gou
1.Dai Ping Woo - Ping woo + Mou Fa
1.Qing Yat Sik - Your hand only consist of common tiles
Example : 111 222 333 444 55 all ManZi
2.Dai Sam Yuen - as long as your hand consist of this
Example : xxx RRR FFF BBB xx
1.Siu Sei Hei aka Small 4 Happiness - as long as your hand consist of this
Example : NNN SSS EEE xxx WW * cannot stack with HuenFung/MoonFung
2.Dai Sei Hei aka Big 4 Happiness - as long as your hand consist of this
Example : NNN SSS EEE WWW xx * cannot stack with HuenFung/MoonFung/DuiDuiWoo
3.Ching Yew 9 - all ur tiles consist ONLY element of 1 and 9
Example : 111s 999s 111m 111t 99t
4.Chuen Tse aka all word - No common tiles in your hand
Example : NNN SSS RRR BBB FF * cannot stack with DuiDuiWoo
5.Dei Woo aka Earthly Hand : Winning hand after Zhong(Player of East) discard a card
6.Tin Woo aka Heavenly Hand : Winning hand declared by Zhong b4 the game start.
Special Hand - Declare b4 the game start
1. 7 Pairs - Need me explain? 4 FAAN
Example: xx xx xx xx xx xx xx any tiles
2. 5 Mun Chai - Any one of Honor Tiles/Wind Tiles and compulsory of all Common tiles set appear in ur hand. 5 FAAN
Example : RRR(Honor Tiles)+ WWW(Wind Tiles) + 123s + 345m + 55t
3.Luk Yat Sek aka all GREEN - this winning hand must use ONLY this set of card
Example: 111s 222s 666s 88s FFF well the ngaan can switch but only this kind of card
4.Ma Jiok Hoong aka all Red - this winning hand must use ONLY this set of card
Example: 111m 222m 666m 88m RRR well the ngaan can switch but only this kind of card
5.??? aka all White - this winning hand must use ONLY this set of card
Example: 111t 222t 666t 88t BBB well the ngaan can switch but only this kind of card
Special Hand that beyond the limit of FAAN
1. 13 YIU - ALL Honor Tiles/Wind Tiles/Common Tiles Terminal exist in your hand
Example : NSEW RFB 19m19s19t + any tiles of (NSEW RFB 19m19s19t)
2.9 Dang Bou Lin aka gates of heaven - this winning hand use one of the set of common tiles
Example : 111 2345678 999 - u win the game with draw or discard by other from 1-9
3.KanKanWoo : Mun Qin Qing + DuiDuiWoo * cannot stack with DuiDuiWoo/MunQinQing
Condition : Must self-draw only consider KanKanWoo otherwise consider DuiDuiWoo
4. 18 Lo Hon - 4 kongs
November 17, 2008
My Desired Coffee Ratio
Standard ratio, 1 Espresso : 2 Potion of Hot Foamy Milk
My Favorite, 1 Espresso : 1.6 Potion of Hot Milk : 0.4 Foamy Milk + 2.5 ts Sugar
Description: Milk on bottom and Espresso on top, before drink it stir it well to dissolve the sugar, actually Latte have a small layer of foam milk.. but i prefer more foamy milk form as it spread out the aroma of the coffee.... Added the taste not so bitter and not so sweet.. try with roll up ur tongue and drink... yeah~
Milk Coffee
Standard ratio, 1 Espresso : 1 Hot Milk without foam
My Favourite, 0.5 Espresso: 2.5 Hot Milk without foam + 2.0 ts Sugar
Description: Just a normal standard taste of coffee where u can find it in any instant coffee mix packlets.. haha... well i make it more milky just i wan to drink the favoured milk.. haha
Standard ratio, 1 Espresso : 1 Hot Milk : 1 Silky Foam Milk
My Favourite, as original... but i make it to 2 potions of silky foam milk + 2.5 ts Sugar
Description: I love this very very much with the taste if cappuccino, especially when the milk foam stayin on ur lips...That kind of happiness... whoah~
Zaifer (Espresso Lungo)
Standard ratio, 1 Espresso : 1 Hot water
My Favourite, 1 Espresso : 1.2 Hot water + 1.2 ts Sugar
Description: That is the first time i intact with coffee, i like that taste of coffee tat gives bitter but sweer taste.. well sometime i din sugar at all.. and tat why my name come with it
p/s: Ratio 1 = 30oz
Standard ratio, 1 Espresso : 2 Potion of Hot Foamy Milk
My Favorite, 1 Espresso : 1.6 Potion of Hot Milk : 0.4 Foamy Milk + 2.5 ts Sugar
Description: Milk on bottom and Espresso on top, before drink it stir it well to dissolve the sugar, actually Latte have a small layer of foam milk.. but i prefer more foamy milk form as it spread out the aroma of the coffee.... Added the taste not so bitter and not so sweet.. try with roll up ur tongue and drink... yeah~
Milk Coffee
Standard ratio, 1 Espresso : 1 Hot Milk without foam
My Favourite, 0.5 Espresso: 2.5 Hot Milk without foam + 2.0 ts Sugar
Description: Just a normal standard taste of coffee where u can find it in any instant coffee mix packlets.. haha... well i make it more milky just i wan to drink the favoured milk.. haha
Standard ratio, 1 Espresso : 1 Hot Milk : 1 Silky Foam Milk
My Favourite, as original... but i make it to 2 potions of silky foam milk + 2.5 ts Sugar
Description: I love this very very much with the taste if cappuccino, especially when the milk foam stayin on ur lips...That kind of happiness... whoah~
Zaifer (Espresso Lungo)
Standard ratio, 1 Espresso : 1 Hot water
My Favourite, 1 Espresso : 1.2 Hot water + 1.2 ts Sugar
Description: That is the first time i intact with coffee, i like that taste of coffee tat gives bitter but sweer taste.. well sometime i din sugar at all.. and tat why my name come with it
p/s: Ratio 1 = 30oz
November 11, 2008
Oh My...
Yesterday, as usual my working company AFC having a birthday celebration party to the September and October babies, well is kinda slow though... maybe the president too busy for his own job..
Back to the party, after the so called speech presented by those newcomer of AFC and the birthday babies, all of the employee of AFC will go to cafeteria to have a lunch. For sure is free la, for those birthday babies got a bit cham , have to makan with president... erm... u know that kind of pressure when u eating with ur boss somemore the lunch that u r having that moment is a gourmet style... LOLz... have to eat with polite manner, with those R&R...aiyo fan...
When me and the company when to the cafeteria, there is no more place for us 3, kel me and mic...therefore we went back to the office and wait for the second round..At time 1.10pm, we go to cafeteria again and yeah we found a table for 4 for us... adelah.. duduk dan makan...
Hmm, the food of the party is quite nice, (aiyo, free buffet ma sure cakap nice de la) ... haha so we go through the food.. I took the Nasi Briyani, sambal udang, dunno what what beef slice, grilled salmon slice with lemon.. and the last one! Deep fried chicken... the moment i open the cover of the food tray... something was happened which which which made me so damn damn damn FISH!
The moment i open the cover.. i heard somebody said "ui... ui...ui..." i so turn my head to the back ( where i face the whole member of the AFC ) and in this moment there got a plate getting fallen because i opened the cover... i take quick look to the plate and i watch the plate droping...
From my point of view...
Countdown before the incident happen
3 sec the plate at the dropping....( fluuuee....)
2 sec! i saw the white plate terbalik....
1sec.. i saw the plate started touched the floor already...
0.5 sec... the plate started to scatter around the floor with the loud sound of **pliang~~~~~**
0.000 sec...my eye closed and i said..."Oh fish~!"
After the incident happen
1 sec Stunned...drop cold sweat
2 sec hehe, talk to the servant hehe-ly and said soreee
3 sec talk to kelvin said im "ADELAH, kena fish..."
From kel n mic point of view
Countdown before the incident happen
3 sec they listened the ui ui sound
2 sec what happen ?
1 sec "karfei, u adelah!"
0 sec "karfei, dun look at me please...."
1 sec continue take the food
3 sec back to the seat
From the audience point of view
Countdown before the incident happen
3 sec .. ui..ui...ui
2 sec kful~ kful .... some of them still talking some of them still eating
1 sec almost half of the cafeteria look at me and say "ohhh~"
0 sec ALL of them look at me....
1 sec .. some of them look at the kitchen is tat whether the servant drop the plate
2 sec . some still blur and said " what happen..." some of them look at me and laugh!!
This incident made me damn damn damn fish.... luckily the president din say anything... phew~continue my lunch as usual... wakakaka and i hate the guy/gal who keep ui-ing and din assist me at all... EH! BROTHER OR SISTER KALAU TENGOK ORANG NAK KENA FISH,.. BANTU LA SIKIT... TAK MATI PUN...HAIZ....
p.s.oh ya mic, makan cold soba kena taruk sauce ya... if not kering makan x bagus tau ? swt
>>Having my Latte Machiato in the moment... sweet~<<
Back to the party, after the so called speech presented by those newcomer of AFC and the birthday babies, all of the employee of AFC will go to cafeteria to have a lunch. For sure is free la, for those birthday babies got a bit cham , have to makan with president... erm... u know that kind of pressure when u eating with ur boss somemore the lunch that u r having that moment is a gourmet style... LOLz... have to eat with polite manner, with those R&R...aiyo fan...
When me and the company when to the cafeteria, there is no more place for us 3, kel me and mic...therefore we went back to the office and wait for the second round..At time 1.10pm, we go to cafeteria again and yeah we found a table for 4 for us... adelah.. duduk dan makan...
Hmm, the food of the party is quite nice, (aiyo, free buffet ma sure cakap nice de la) ... haha so we go through the food.. I took the Nasi Briyani, sambal udang, dunno what what beef slice, grilled salmon slice with lemon.. and the last one! Deep fried chicken... the moment i open the cover of the food tray... something was happened which which which made me so damn damn damn FISH!
The moment i open the cover.. i heard somebody said "ui... ui...ui..." i so turn my head to the back ( where i face the whole member of the AFC ) and in this moment there got a plate getting fallen because i opened the cover... i take quick look to the plate and i watch the plate droping...
From my point of view...
Countdown before the incident happen
3 sec the plate at the dropping....( fluuuee....)
2 sec! i saw the white plate terbalik....
1sec.. i saw the plate started touched the floor already...
0.5 sec... the plate started to scatter around the floor with the loud sound of **pliang~~~~~**
0.000 sec...my eye closed and i said..."Oh fish~!"
After the incident happen
1 sec Stunned...drop cold sweat
2 sec hehe, talk to the servant hehe-ly and said soreee
3 sec talk to kelvin said im "ADELAH, kena fish..."
From kel n mic point of view
Countdown before the incident happen
3 sec they listened the ui ui sound
2 sec what happen ?
1 sec "karfei, u adelah!"
0 sec "karfei, dun look at me please...."
1 sec continue take the food
3 sec back to the seat
From the audience point of view
Countdown before the incident happen
3 sec .. ui..ui...ui
2 sec kful~ kful .... some of them still talking some of them still eating
1 sec almost half of the cafeteria look at me and say "ohhh~"
0 sec ALL of them look at me....
1 sec .. some of them look at the kitchen is tat whether the servant drop the plate
2 sec . some still blur and said " what happen..." some of them look at me and laugh!!
This incident made me damn damn damn fish.... luckily the president din say anything... phew~continue my lunch as usual... wakakaka and i hate the guy/gal who keep ui-ing and din assist me at all... EH! BROTHER OR SISTER KALAU TENGOK ORANG NAK KENA FISH,.. BANTU LA SIKIT... TAK MATI PUN...HAIZ....
p.s.oh ya mic, makan cold soba kena taruk sauce ya... if not kering makan x bagus tau ? swt
>>Having my Latte Machiato in the moment... sweet~<<
November 3, 2008
Bored a
Totally damn bored in the office. Where the stupid company has blocked some of the website like Frenster.com, Youtube.com, and those website that i normally visit... Luckily they din block blogspot.com, thx god~ due to that, i come out with this post.. where i find it from GOOGLE .
There is something that you can do when you are ABSOLUTELY FREE n BORED!
Let start off with lower Amusement Potential™ things 1st:
Option 1. Make Star Trek door noises
Description: Stand by an electric door to a bank or something and make that silly "Scccccccchwop" sound heard whenever people popped on to the bridge to hang with Captain Kirk.
Nonsense-ness: Stupid
Option 2. Try swallow your tongue
Description: There's not much to say about this one. Is it possible?
Nonsense-ness: Stupid
Option 3. Pretend you are a robot
Description: Walk around the office with mechanical movements, adding 'zzzzzt' sounds with each motion. Pretending to have a motor broken in or system error or etc, say, your left hand can add at least 30 seconds more entertainment.
Nonsense-ness: You dare?
Option 4. Scratch yourself
Description: Go ahead, scratch yourself now. Even if nothing itches, go ahead. Doesn't that feel pretty good?
Nonsense-ness: OK OK la~
Option 5. Repeat a word over and over until it loses its meaning
Description: Pick a random word out of a magazine, book or any website and say it aloud to yourself until it becomes a meaningless set of noises.
Nonsense-ness: I always practice this!
Option 6. Blink widely and then close your eyes really tight for an interesting light show
Description: See a variety of blobs, stars and flashes. Try to make out shapes and see if your subconscious is trying to send you a message?
Nonsense-ness: Perhaps ur boss might think u r sleeping? *DukDuk* -You Are Fired!-
Here come higher Amusement Potential™ things:
Option 7. See how long you can hold a note
Description: Not that much fun, but it sure passes the time. Play with a friend, or try to beat your own personal best. Inhale deeply and then try and make a noise for as long as you can. Earn extra points for making your partner laugh or ending on an amusing note.
Nonsense-ness: I got nothing to talk wor...
Option 8. Use your secret mind power
Description: Pick a passing by and try to use your mind power to command them do something, like drop their bag or knock into someone. The law of averages dictates that sooner or later one of your mind commands will come true, so you can convince yourself that you really have super human powers and waste even more time trying them out.
Nonsense-ness: Can send to Tanjung Rambutan™ already
Option 9. Pretend to be a car
Description: Make appropriate revving noises in your head as you walk along and add a racing commentary as you pass strangers in the street. Use blinking eyes as indicators for extra authenticity.
Nonsense-ness: In this mean of hour, Weng Lam will try to tell you, em moi wan dak mou, bodoh~ (Dun play-play can a, stupid)
Option 10. Look at something for awhile, shut ur eyes, and study after image
Description: Another great time waster. It takes about 30 seconds of staring to create an after image, and the image is then viewable for about the same length of time. Fun to combine this one with pushing on your eyes.
Nonsense-ness: Erm, photoshop the picture/image without photoshop?
Option 11. Rate passers by
Description: Secretly award passers by marks out of ten as you go along, offering (unsaid) expert criticism over their clothing, hairstyle and footwear choices.
Nonsense-ness: I always practice this with picky, well sure not in the office la.. haha
There is something that you can do when you are ABSOLUTELY FREE n BORED!
Let start off with lower Amusement Potential™ things 1st:
Option 1. Make Star Trek door noises
Description: Stand by an electric door to a bank or something and make that silly "Scccccccchwop" sound heard whenever people popped on to the bridge to hang with Captain Kirk.
Nonsense-ness: Stupid
Option 2. Try swallow your tongue
Description: There's not much to say about this one. Is it possible?
Nonsense-ness: Stupid
Option 3. Pretend you are a robot
Description: Walk around the office with mechanical movements, adding 'zzzzzt' sounds with each motion. Pretending to have a motor broken in or system error or etc, say, your left hand can add at least 30 seconds more entertainment.
Nonsense-ness: You dare?
Option 4. Scratch yourself
Description: Go ahead, scratch yourself now. Even if nothing itches, go ahead. Doesn't that feel pretty good?
Nonsense-ness: OK OK la~
Option 5. Repeat a word over and over until it loses its meaning
Description: Pick a random word out of a magazine, book or any website and say it aloud to yourself until it becomes a meaningless set of noises.
Nonsense-ness: I always practice this!
Option 6. Blink widely and then close your eyes really tight for an interesting light show
Description: See a variety of blobs, stars and flashes. Try to make out shapes and see if your subconscious is trying to send you a message?
Nonsense-ness: Perhaps ur boss might think u r sleeping? *DukDuk* -You Are Fired!-
Here come higher Amusement Potential™ things:
Option 7. See how long you can hold a note
Description: Not that much fun, but it sure passes the time. Play with a friend, or try to beat your own personal best. Inhale deeply and then try and make a noise for as long as you can. Earn extra points for making your partner laugh or ending on an amusing note.
Nonsense-ness: I got nothing to talk wor...
Option 8. Use your secret mind power
Description: Pick a passing by and try to use your mind power to command them do something, like drop their bag or knock into someone. The law of averages dictates that sooner or later one of your mind commands will come true, so you can convince yourself that you really have super human powers and waste even more time trying them out.
Nonsense-ness: Can send to Tanjung Rambutan™ already
Option 9. Pretend to be a car
Description: Make appropriate revving noises in your head as you walk along and add a racing commentary as you pass strangers in the street. Use blinking eyes as indicators for extra authenticity.
Nonsense-ness: In this mean of hour, Weng Lam will try to tell you, em moi wan dak mou, bodoh~ (Dun play-play can a, stupid)
Option 10. Look at something for awhile, shut ur eyes, and study after image
Description: Another great time waster. It takes about 30 seconds of staring to create an after image, and the image is then viewable for about the same length of time. Fun to combine this one with pushing on your eyes.
Nonsense-ness: Erm, photoshop the picture/image without photoshop?
Option 11. Rate passers by
Description: Secretly award passers by marks out of ten as you go along, offering (unsaid) expert criticism over their clothing, hairstyle and footwear choices.
Nonsense-ness: I always practice this with picky, well sure not in the office la.. haha
November 2, 2008

Translated Version:
The story above telling that there is a 'bad apple' in your friend list. No matter how
good you treat this apple is.. there is no way to giving an excuse for this apple is a bad apple... If someone trying to hurt you, for sure u r still considering this friend worth to be continued ? or kick this bad apple out from ur list?
But beware, keep eat this apple maybe u may found out that there is a worm in the apple, or worst maybe this is a poisonous apple, keeping this apple as your friend will effect ur 'digestion'.
Well, for sure this bad apple cant harm you, but if you insist to eat this apple, you are doing something not good to urself. Throw away a BAD FRIEND jus like throw away a BAD APPLE, is a courtesy for YOUR HEALTH
Get this article from forward email, yohoho~ im not mean anyone, but for the someone, u sendiri perasan la.. im here not to instigate anyone to throw ur bad apple, but for sure in your list.. there is always a BAD APPLE
>>>>Anyway i had throw this BAD APPLE away<<<<

Translated Version:
The story above telling that there is a 'bad apple' in your friend list. No matter how
good you treat this apple is.. there is no way to giving an excuse for this apple is a bad apple... If someone trying to hurt you, for sure u r still considering this friend worth to be continued ? or kick this bad apple out from ur list?
But beware, keep eat this apple maybe u may found out that there is a worm in the apple, or worst maybe this is a poisonous apple, keeping this apple as your friend will effect ur 'digestion'.
Well, for sure this bad apple cant harm you, but if you insist to eat this apple, you are doing something not good to urself. Throw away a BAD FRIEND jus like throw away a BAD APPLE, is a courtesy for YOUR HEALTH
Get this article from forward email, yohoho~ im not mean anyone, but for the someone, u sendiri perasan la.. im here not to instigate anyone to throw ur bad apple, but for sure in your list.. there is always a BAD APPLE
>>>>Anyway i had throw this BAD APPLE away<<<<
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