November 27, 2008

Bored, Lets Move Out !Mahjong Talk

OMGWTFBBQ-ly Sien... anyone help?? Lol-ed
Since i recently addict with MAHJONG
So i keep gooooooooooooooooogle in office.."Beginner HK mahjong scoring"
Got a lot of result and i found one and suits me the best.. so i sumarize it here... Izzit easy to refer then ? haha

For 3 player mahjong, i jus realize that only exist in MALAYSIA.. wow fantastic...Bombastic...panaromic....plastic... LOL(x funny at all)

Here it goes for 4 Player mahjong scoring point for standard HK rules..
Some code:
Honor Tiles: Red Dragon aka Hong Zhong (R), Green Dragon aka Fat Choy(F) and White Dragon aka Bak Ban(B)
Wind Tiles: North(N), South(S), East(E), and West(W)
Common Tiles: ManZi,m/SokZi,s/TongZi,t

Flower Tiles

Basic- No fan require to win the game
1.Chicken Hand aka Gay Wuu, no need any skill/combo/technique/squeezing brain to win the game.. melt ur tiles to 3 3 3 3 2 then u win with Chicken Hand..

Basic-Fan is equire to win the game
1. Ping Woo - Combine of 4 sets of chows(sequence) and 1 pair of suit (ngaan)
Example: 123 234 678 789 + any suit

2.Huen Fung - wind of the round
3.Moon Fung - wind of the player/matched position
4.Chi Mo - self pick
5.Moon Qin Qing - Winning the game without any pongs or chows
6.Hoi Dai Lao Yuet - Winning tile of last drawable or discarded by player
7.Cheung Kong - The Winner declare a winning hand when a player declare a Kong
8.Kong Sheung Far - Kong and self pick a card so total is 2 Faan
9.Jiong Ngaan - Using 2, 5, 8 as the pair of suit (Ngaan)
10.Kuet Em - No element of 5 in ur winning hand
11.Kuet Yiu - No element of 1,9(Terminal) in ur winning hand
12. Mou Fa aka No flower tiles aka La Za Wu
13.Wan Dai Yiu - Your hand only consist of 1,9 Terminal and Honor tiles/Wind Tiles
14.Kong Sheung Far/Far Sheung - a winning hand declared when u declare kong or draw a flower
15.Bun Gou - same type of common tiles and same number of sequence
Example: 123s 123s xxx xxx xx
16. 4 Guai Yat - used 4 concealed tiles instead of kong melt to be one triple n one chows
Example : 444s 345s xxx xxx xx
17.Bun Gou - 2 set same sequence same common tiles melted
Example : 123s 123s xxx xxx xx

1.Huen Moon Fung - Huen Fung + Moon Fung
2.Yat Toi Fa - 1234 Season
3.2 Kongs - 2 kongs both hidden kong or revealed kong also accept
***if the 2 kongs is continuous bonus 1 faan total in 3***
4. 4 Guai Yii - used 4 concealed tiles isntead of kong melt to 2 chows and ngaan
Example : 234s 234s xxx xxx 33s

1.Wan Yat Sik - Your Hand only consist of common tiles + wind tiles/honor tiles
Example : 111 234 345 678 (ManZi) + 2xE.Wind/Red Dragon

2.Dui Dui Woo - Your hand consist of pong only
Example : 111 222 333 444 + 2x any tiles

3.Xiu Sam Yuen - as long as your hand consist of this
Example : xxx RRR FFF xxx BB

4.Sam Sik Tong Sun - 3 set of common tiles melt by the same sequence
Example : 123m 123t 123s xxx xx

5.Shiong Bun Gou - 2 x Bun Gou

1.Dai Ping Woo - Ping woo + Mou Fa

1.Qing Yat Sik - Your hand only consist of common tiles
Example : 111 222 333 444 55 all ManZi

2.Dai Sam Yuen - as long as your hand consist of this
Example : xxx RRR FFF BBB xx

1.Siu Sei Hei aka Small 4 Happiness - as long as your hand consist of this
Example : NNN SSS EEE xxx WW * cannot stack with HuenFung/MoonFung

2.Dai Sei Hei aka Big 4 Happiness - as long as your hand consist of this
Example : NNN SSS EEE WWW xx * cannot stack with HuenFung/MoonFung/DuiDuiWoo

3.Ching Yew 9 - all ur tiles consist ONLY element of 1 and 9
Example : 111s 999s 111m 111t 99t

4.Chuen Tse aka all word - No common tiles in your hand
* cannot stack with DuiDuiWoo

5.Dei Woo aka Earthly Hand : Winning hand after Zhong(Player of East) discard a card

6.Tin Woo aka Heavenly Hand : Winning hand declared by Zhong b4 the game start.

Special Hand - Declare b4 the game start
1. 7 Pairs - Need me explain? 4 FAAN
Example: xx xx xx xx xx xx xx any tiles

2. 5 Mun Chai - Any one of Honor Tiles/Wind Tiles and compulsory of all Common tiles set appear in ur hand. 5 FAAN
Example : RRR(Honor Tiles)+ WWW(Wind Tiles) + 123s + 345m + 55t

3.Luk Yat Sek aka all GREEN - this winning hand must use ONLY this set of card
Example: 111s 222s 666s 88s FFF well the ngaan can switch but only this kind of card

4.Ma Jiok Hoong aka all Red -
this winning hand must use ONLY this set of card
Example: 111m 222m 666m 88m RRR well the ngaan can switch but only this kind of card

5.??? aka all White -
this winning hand must use ONLY this set of card
Example: 111t 222t 666t 88t BBB well the ngaan can switch but only this kind of card

Special Hand that beyond the limit of FAAN
1. 13 YIU - ALL Honor Tiles/Wind Tiles/Common Tiles Terminal exist in your hand
Example : NSEW RFB 19m19s19t + any tiles of (
NSEW RFB 19m19s19t)

2.9 Dang Bou Lin aka gates of heaven
- this winning hand use one of the set of common tiles
Example : 111 2345678 999 - u win the game with draw or discard by other from 1-9

3.KanKanWoo : Mun Qin Qing + DuiDuiWoo * cannot stack with DuiDuiWoo/MunQinQing
Condition : Must self-draw only consider KanKanWoo otherwise consider DuiDuiWoo

4. 18 Lo Hon - 4 kongs

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